Octomom poster
A poster illustration and design for Maija Tammi's Octomom exhibition.
Finlands institutet, Stockholm 2023

Electric Unconscious poster
A poster and animation design for Kollektiv International Totem & Charles Quevillon and their Electric Unconscious art performance in Zurich and Helsinki 2023

Illustration, storytelling, book design
published by Schildts & Söderströms 2018

PLASK! is an ongoing children's book project and a sequel to VROOOM! The story follows the familiar noisy robots and their friend to underwater soundscapes.


Going Elsewhere
Layout for an academic dissertation

Book design, layout

Ruokaa hygieenisesti
Design and illustration for easy to read educational material

FLU – comic trilogy
Comic art, illustration, storyboarding
Suuri Kurpitsa 2017

Uncomissioned work
Poster art for different purposes